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The Backend Process

For the game, my job as a backend is to collect data for each user that plays the game.

My database would include a user’s name, UID, password, and high score. We are also going to include the current when the user finishes playing the game.

We could also add low scores, but that would mainly consists of 0s. Also, as a backend I would have to ensure if any API’s are used so that our data can be efficiently used to create a leadership board. This is needed.

Here is a sample database for our app:

Actual Database Functionality for Backend


Full Blog for Backend Development regarding Triple AJ Arcade

The blog discusses how the backend will work for each gamer and what data will be stored to create a token system and a leader board.

code 1 code 2

We could also add low scores, but that would mainly consists of 0s. Also, as a backend I would have to ensure if any API’s are used so that our data We could also add low scores, but that would mainly consists of 0s. Also, as a backend I would have to ensure if any API’s are used so that our data

UPDATE 808: WE are going to use this for idiot proofing backend

We might start running ads as well. But our backend consists of a functioning token system. We also have a functioning login system.

We might also even add a signup page.

We could even add end and start screen for our games: