Algorithms and Logic Discussion and Hacks
A discussion on Logic and Algorithms + Hacks
An algorithm typically means 'code' that solves a problem. Designing an algorithm often requires you to learn the Tech first and then consider how you design your code and algorithms. Code design can take many iterations.
Truth Tables
My topic for this blog is Truth Tables. The illustration that follows displays the results of logical operators AND, OR, XOR, NOT versus binary 1 and 0. The output produces a 'Truth Table'.
Exploring Truth Tables operations
Exploration of this topic requires searching the language for logical operators, then figuring out how to display condition and test result.
- Bitwise operations for Truth Tables typically represent 1 - True and 0 - False.
- Logical expression in iteration and selection statements result in True or False
My objective is Truth Tables. But in my exploration I did both Truth Table and Expression syntax
print( "1 | 0 = ", 1 | 0)
print( "~(1 | 0) = ", ~(1 | 0) % 2) # 1 is an integer, not a bit so remainder (modulo) does trick
print( "1 & 0 = ", 1 & 0)
print( "~(1 & 0) = ", ~(1 & 0) % 2) # modulo again
print( "1 ^ 1 = ", 1 ^ 1)
# Boolean Tests
print("Boolean OR")
print( "True or False = ", True or False)
print("Boolean AND")
print( "True and False = ", True and False)
print("Boolean XOR")
print( "True != True = ", True != True)
import operator # functions for all comparisons, logical operations, mathematical operations and sequence operations
# builds truth table
def truth_options():
a_opts = [1, 0]
b_opts = [1, 0]
return [(a, b) for a in a_opts for b in b_opts] # double for permutes options
# provides equivalent function lookup for bitwise using operator functions
def bitwise_options(op):
ops = {'&': operator.and_,
'|': operator.or_,
'^': operator.xor}
return ops[op]
# control/eval for bitwise operators, selection is based on number of operators
def bitwise_eval(op, op2=""):
if op2 == "":
op_func = bitwise_options(op)
print(f"Bitwise {op}")
for a, b in truth_options():
print(f"{a} {op} {b} is {op_func(a, b)}")
op2_func = bitwise_options(op2)
print(f"Bitwise {op}")
for a, b in truth_options():
print(f"{op}({a} {op2} {b}) is {(1, 0)[op2_func(a, b)]}") # opposite: index 0 returns 1, index 1 return 0
def method1():
bitwise_eval("NAND", "&")
bitwise_eval("NOR", "|")
# call bitwise evaluation of truth table
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("***** Method 1 *****")
def method2():
truth_table = [[1,1], [1,0], [0,1], [0,0]]
for a, b in truth_table:
print(f"and {a} & {b}: {a & b}")
for a, b in truth_table:
print(f"nand ~({a} & {b}): {((a & b) + 1) % 2}") # warning: ~ negates entire integer without modulo
for a, b in truth_table:
print(f"or {a} | {b}: {a | b}")
for a, b in truth_table:
print(f"nor ~({a} | {b}): {((a | b) + 1) % 2}") # warning: see above
for a, b in truth_table:
print(f"xor {a} ^ {b}: {a ^ b}")
# call bitwise evaluation of truth table
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("***** Method 2 *****")
Linear Sequence of code
The order of executions is strictly from top to bottom. This is good for learning, but is typically a poor method for an Algorithm! This was my 1st exploration above.
Procedure (Function)
A Procedure is a set of code instructions that has been abstracted into logical parts. Each code abstraction is called "Procedural Abstraction".
- In Python, using procedures (def) means you are starting to write "good" code vs "bad" code, mostly in terms of reusability of logic.
- A procedure needs to be activated or called, this is performed in the main selections above.
As we explore the algorithm Unit students will be designing lessons and homework. Each lesson will have Hacks. Here are some hacks that could go with the lesson above. The three weeks after Thanksgiving will be focused on this activity and build personal portfolio.
Try to build a Truth Table as shown above in Python, but switch to JavaScript...
- Begin by showing understanding of problem using console.log, this problem can be done in Jupyter Notebook
- Build a Truth Table in JavaScript showing output in HTML, this problem is best in FastPages
Pick your Algorithmic hack, build in Python and JavaScript. Here are some ideas..
- Binary to Hexadecimal to Decimal conversions
- Fibonacci</li>
- Palindrome
- Other
</ul> </blockquote> </div> </div> </div># This program prints a selected number of terms of the Fibonacci sequence terms = int(input("How many terms of the Fibonacci sequence would you like to print? ")) # These two terms will be reused to print as many terms as needed reuse1 = 0 reuse2 = 1 # count will help me make sure that the selected number of terms will be printed count = 0 # check if the input to "terms" is able to be used if terms <= 0: print("Please enter a positive integer") # Doing the math lol else: print(f"You selected {terms} terms.") print(f"Fibonacci sequence from term 1 to term {terms}:") while count < terms: print(reuse1) # placeholder holds the place of the value of the next term before being replaced by reuse2 placeholder = reuse1 + reuse2 reuse1 = reuse2 reuse2 = placeholder # increment the count so that the loop only prints the desired amount of terms count += 1</div>Come up with a Procedure/Function that show...
- Data Abstraction
- Procedural Abstraction
- Algorithm using iteration and selection
- Frontend / Backend, using an API and persistent storage