Night At The Museum

Capture the Moment

Other People’s Projects

Chess Project

  • Multiplayer capabilities
  • Lacks animations, but functionality is superb
  • There is an account system

chess project

Inventory Tracker

  • Tracks a business’s inventory
  • Features include tracking date, item, action, and quantity

inventory tracker

Recipe Finder

  • Simply search for a recipe and find your favorite
  • Lists ingredients and instructions

recipe finder

Car Finder

  • Finds the best car for your standards
  • Filter settings include make, model, minimum & maximum year, minimum and maximum miles, and minimum and maximum price

car finder

Dejmo Fitness Site

  • Enter your gym stats and goals, and it will make a diet for you
  • When you enter gym stats, it adds a record for them in the SQL table


dejmo frontend


dejmo backend

Locam (CSA)

  • Location-based social media (SnapMap but better)
  • Users can post images with captions and they will be pinned to the location on the map where it was posted


Other classes



Reflection (how it went)

I’d like to start off by saying I had a lot of fun and got to meet a lot of cool people. The projects I saw were amazing and, even though most were not 100% complete, it was very interesting to see such variety in just a couple classes. Focusing on our project, the TripleAJ Arcade, I think most people who came by were engaged and really liked the idea. I would’ve liked to have more of the features complete, obviously, but I’m glad we had a fairly working prototype (much better than last trimester!). I also visited other classes such as Digital Media Production, Photography, and 3D Animation. These all were very cool to check out as well, however some photos that I thought I had taken disappeared off of my phone. I got to see a lot of interesting art and hang out with a lot of people. Overall, 8.5/10 experience!