
Skills I Have Obtained

I came into this course in the fall with zero coding history. Looking back, I don’t really know how I’ve made it this far. I didn’t know where to start at all, but I would say my trimester projects have been getting better at an exponential rate. Some skills that I’ve learned include HTML, CSS, Javascript, web design, web deployment, backend with Python and Flask framework, leadership, scrum roles/processes, how to use Github, and many others.

Highs and Lows from This Year

Highs: I took on a massive leadership role in my Trimester 2 group and pulled through with a great project, including a working sign-up/user creation and login process along with account settings and a live token system with a leaderboard that sorted by token amount.

Lows: There were definitely some late nights full of stress, but in the end I managed to pull through. One example is when my first trimester AWS deployment was going off the rails and our devops and I couldn’t figure out anything that would fix it (this was before ChatGPT). We were able to redo the entire deployment and luckily it worked after that.

Future Plans with Comp Sci & Education/Career

I have decided on a year-long internship for next year. One of my family friends owns a healthcare company and is looking for Comp Sci interns, and most of my cousins have gone to him for CS internships and experience.

I’m also planning on minoring in Computer Science or pursuing in some way after high school. I don’t know if I’m committed enough to be a Comp Sci major, because I’m very interested in Mechanical Engineering and cars in general, but I definitely want to pursue both interests.

In terms of education, I strive for a BS in Mechanical Engineering and something in Computer Science as well. To be honest, I haven’t thought very long or hard about my entire career, but I also know I have a lot of time to experiment in my life.


I don’t really have anything to put here except that I also want to continue producing music on the side