Scrum Master

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We PLAN to add AI through the integration of an API.

Scrum Board

To-do In Progress Completed
  Customize individual pages Agile manifesto
  Refine details of our project Basic layout of site
  Work on creating issues to track progress Ideation of project
  Performance Task Scoring (individual)  

Feature Ideas (Team)


One feature I would like to incorporate into our CPT is the ability to change the calendar view from week to month and to be able to scroll from week to week and month to month smoothly. To accomplish this, it would be more frontend work than backend, so I will definitely be a contributor to the development of this feature.


One feature that I think would be pretty cool is that the user can select what financial documents they want to see within the calendar before using the website. Our website will adjust best to what the user wants and what research will help them best.


One feature that we should add is an API that constantly updates stock prices every few minutes. We will use this for the IPOs shown in the calendar. We can also add IPO and Mergers and Acquisitions news on the front page.


One feature that is vital for our website is to include a pop-up feature. When a user is clicking on a specific financial document, the document should pop up in the same website, unless the user really wants to open in a new tab (which there will be an option for as well). A popup feature will avoid a messy website and will make it easier for the user since they don’t have to switch tabs so much.