Our Idea

Our idea is to develop a website that monitors upcoming initial public offerings (IPOs). Inside our website, will be a frontend development of a calendar consisting of all upcoming IPOs and their respective financial information. The calendar will have 1-2 reports along with other financial documents, the reports will summarize if the IPO that is about to launch in the market will be a good investment or not. We will also add an API that will constantly update the stock price of the IPO. After 1 week of monitoring the initial public offering, the website will verify if it’s prediction was correct.

Some relevant financial documents that we can use to evaluate an IPO are S-1 Filings, Form 10K, Form 10Q, Company Balance Sheet, Income Statement, etc.

Below is an S-1 Filing for Google Inc, this document contains hundreds of pages of information that is used to valuate an IPO. We will use artificial intelligence to summarize financial documents so that it can extract broad and relevant information. We will use this extracted information to create a mini-report for investors to understand. Potential investors can use this website as a research tool for new IPOs in the market.

Sample S-1 Filing for Amazon.com Inc

Applying our idea to the CPT Rubric

Category Expectation Explanation
Program Purpose and Function The program has a useful purpose and can take an input, perform a function, and return an output.