Week 36

Week 35

Week 34

Week 33

Week 32

Week 31

Week 30

Week 29

Week 28

Week 27

Week 26

Week 25

Week 24

  • Crossover Reviews for final project
  • Team Review Ticket has everything!
  • Completed MCQ Final for CollegeBoard (46/50)

Week 23

  • Night at the Museum!!
  • Presented to Mr. Mortensen
  • Saw many other peoples’ projects
  • Completed N@TM Blog
  • Completed many issues in our group repo for TripleAJ
  • More work days

Week 22

  • Scrum Master review for team progress from week 21
  • Individual review for 5.3 and 5.4 from week 21
  • AP Unit 5.5 and 5.6
  • More work days (Almost done with finalizing games and started CI/CD)
  • Deployed Backend on Flask with AWS and Docker

Week 21

  • Scrum Master review on MCQ and 5.1 & 5.2
  • AP Unit 5.3 and 5.4
  • Work days (we didn’t really get anything done, but progress was made on games)

Week 20

  • Live/Silent review on review ticket from Week 19
  • CollegeBoard MCQ midterm
  • AP Unit 5.1 and 5.2
  • Presented project to class with ideation, etc…

Week 19

  • Monday: silent review on API and Database
  • Database/model tech talk
  • API/Control teck talk
  • Made videos for hacks
  • Performance Task Scoring 3 (found below)
  • Review Ticket

Week 18

Week 17

  • Created a repo from Mr. Mort’s template for the Create Performance Task
    • Got it to run locally through Ruby and Bundle
  • Worked on an Agile Manifesto for our group
  • Customized template to fit our CPT idea
  • Individual team member pages outline roles
  • Rubric page shows how idea fits CPT criteria
  • Developed idea of IPO Calendar
  • Developed general UI design of calendar
  • Came up with API ideas for accurate information about IPOs (Using AI maybe?)
  • Week 17 individual hacks (Performance task scoring 1)

Week 16

Week 15

Week 14

Week 13

Week 12

  • Prepare for N@TM
  • Present at N@TM
  • Complete Final Exam in AP Classroom (50% or higher = 3/3 points)
  • Complete two blogs (N@TM and Final Exam blog)
  • Live Review of two blogs
  • Submit final project in review ticket with frontend, backend, and scrum board

Week 11

  • Work on Trimester Final Project

Week 10

  • Work on Trimester Final Project

Week 9

  • Work on Trimester Final Project

Week 8

  • Work on Trimester Final Project

Week 7

Week 7 Notable Terms

  • Path:
    • a sequence of directly connected computing devices that begins at the sender and ends at the receiver
  • Computer system
    • A group of computing devices and programs working together for a joint purpose
  • Computer network
    • group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or receiving data
  • Routing
    • Process of finding a path from sender to receiver

Week 6

Week 6 Notable Terms

  • AWS:
    • Amazon Web Service
    • Lets you deploy websites to the world wide web
    • Very popular tool for development teams

Week 5

Week 5 Notable Terms

  • Purpose of a program
    • Why does the program exist
      • what does it do
  • Javascript
    • A programming language that is used mostly by frontend developers on the World Wide Web
    • Can work in conjunction with HTML and CSS

Week 4

Week 4 Notable Terms

  • Collaboration
    • The ability to work efficiently and cohesively with other people
    • Very important skill to have in the real world
  • Flask
    • A template for a website using Python and HTML

Week 3

Week 3 Notable Terms

  • Block Code:
    • A simpler and more visual way of writing code (usually by dragging in pre-programmed blocks of code)
    • Helps new coders with unfamiliar languages
  • Debug Log:
    • A log that displays a message when a certain point in the program has passed
    • Used to find errors in the code

Week 2

  • Completed in-class activity for Python Lists and Dictionaries (cloned from APCSP repository)
    • Completed hacks as well
  • Experimented with new web page layouts and taking fragments from other web pages
    • Completed hacks for HTML Fragments

Week 2 Notable Terms

  • Python list:
    • Lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable (created using square brackets)
  • Python dictionary:
    • A collection of data which is ordered and can be changed. Dictionaries do not allow duplicates.
  • Iteration:
    • Repeated execution of a set of statements
  • Fragment:
    • Text or HTML markup that is often reused (putting together multiple fragments of HTML can result in a unique markup)

Week 1

Week 1 Notable Terms

  • Bash:
    • The Unix command-line interface (CLI). You’ll also see it called the terminal, the command line, or the shell. It’s a command language that allows us to work with files on our computers in a way that’s far more efficient and powerful than using a GUI (graphical user interface)
  • Input:
    • Instructions given to a computer
  • Output:
    • Information the computer gives to you
  • Sequence:
    • Several lines of code together

Week 0

  • Created a GitHub account
  • Created a Slack account and downloaded the mobile app
  • Installed all software
    • Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL)
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Anaconda3
    • Jupyter Notebook
      • Bash, Python, and Java Kernels
  • Set up a Fastpages repository in GitHub
  • Customized the Fastpages site with new posts and notebooks in VSCode
    • Practiced committing, staging, and pushing changes